“Established possibly as early as 312 BC as the capital city of the Arab Nabataeans. These were nomadic Arabs who benefited from the proximity of Petra to the regional trade routes, in becoming a major trading hub, thus enabling them to gather wealth. The Nabateans are also known for their great ability in constructing efficient water collecting methods in the barren deserts and their talent in carving structures into solid rocks.” More on Wikipedia.
Wadis and Surroundings of Petra
“Established possibly as early as 312 BC as the capital city of the Arab Nabataeans. These were nomadic Arabs who benefited from the proximity of Petra to the regional trade routes, in becoming a major trading hub, thus enabling them to gather wealth. The Nabateans are also known for their great ability in constructing efficient water collecting methods in the barren deserts and their talent in carving structures into solid rocks.” More on Wikipedia.